söndag 19 oktober 2008


If you have missed my QWDL results I gonna share them with you right now!

The first game was against Jon Snow, there I won with two to zero. Check here!

The second was versus Voodoo, he was good, but I took him out with my counter-strike gaming style. Check here!

After that I played against Pernanm. It was fuckin tight game at aero and he won with one frag, but the other two maps I won, so 2-1 to me. Check here!

The game vs Zappater wasn't so hard, but I have played many duels against him after the QWDL game and he is much better now. Check here!

Virus was to good for Jimo. Can't say anything more than that. Check here!

After like 5 minutes in the game against Unreal, I was cs'ing in RA/MEGA and he stoped to attack. Second map was aerowalk and he was afk during the whole game. Check here!

GG's to all of you guys, just boring that xero jumped off the tourney.

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